Unfortunately, we do not offer any trial periods at the moment. However you can sign up, and if you think it isn't for you, you can request a refund within the first 24 hours, by reaching out to us again, here at support.
We cover Mobile, Native, Desktop, Push, Adult, and Carriers.
Let us know if you are interested in any AdPlexity tool and we will provide you with the discount coupon.
Alternatively, you can find some demos here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrl0NfJMVYaQrftBrGXYmAg/videos
Or you can signup for our free webinar where we show the product and teach you how to use it:
Mobile, Native, Push, Desktop, and Adult AdPlexity Walkthrough Webinar: https://adplexity.clickmeeting.com/webinar-recording/6FVFce727