Date range - This specifies the range of the dates showing when the creatives were detected by the tool.
Days running - Slider that is used to set the minimum and maximum amount of days that a creative has been running.
Device Type - Device type under which we have detected the creative.
Size - Shows the banner size of the creative in pixels.
Country - Shows the geo location of where the creative was detected.
Language - Shows what language the creative is in
Traffic source - Specifies which traffic source was used to drive traffic to a creative
Affiliate Network - Specifies which affiliate network was detected to be associated with a campaign
Tracking tool - Identifies which tracking tool (Voluum, FunnelFlux) was used to track the performance of campaigns
Bid price (Beta) - Shows the bid amount, typically in CPA, for each campaign
User Interface Language - Selects the display language for the tool (English, Italian, Russian)
Ad Category (Beta) - Categorizes creatives by niche
Connection - Cellular network connection under which we have detected the creative.
Ad Type - Shows if a creative is a Popup, Redirect, In-App, Mobile Web, or Popunder